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: Process Engineering Journal
: 2588-1795
: 2588-171X
: Under Evalution   
: Chemical Engineering
Description Process Engineering Journal (Abbreviation: Process Eng J) is an international, semiannual, free, scholarly Open Access, peer-reviewed scientific journal publishing, in English and French, original scientific articles, short communications and reviews relevant to all areas of process engineering. This journal provides a global forum for the dissemination of original research in process engineering. The scope of the journal reflects the expanding role of process engineering in a variety of areas. Research areas include, but are not limited to: reactors and reaction engineering, catalysis, kinetics, separation processes, thermodynamics, process control, bioengineering, fluid mechanics, transport phenomena, unit operations, electrochemical processes, materials engineering, waste treatment, polymer engineering, nanotechnology, sonochemistry and cavitation, advanced oxidation processes, green processes. Process Engineering Journal intends to be interests of international scholars, researchers, practitioners and academic members, industrial and governmental sectors. This journal does not charge neither article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges. All content and materials on Process Engineering Journal are available for free under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC 4.0).
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Publish By  Laboratory of Environmental Engineering