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: Gastroenterology and Hepatology from bed to bench
: 2010-4234
: 2008-2258
: Under Evalution   
: Medicine (General)
Description The journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology From Bed to Bench (GHFBB) is a quarterly, multidisciplinary, international peer-reviewed primary research journal of Research Institute for Gastroenterology and Liver disease (RIGLD), affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University Of Medical Sciences. It is guided by an Editorial Executive Committee, and publishes original research papers, reviews and short communication in various disciplines of gastroenterology and hepatology from clinical researches to basic sciences studies. The full-text of papers that are accepted for publishing in this journal will be available on internet for free. Print version will be available to subscribed persons. HFBB collaborates with a group of specialists for evaluation of the works received in the thematic areas of the gastroenterology and liver diseases. The submitted articles, that are in areas of interest of this journal and are prepared according to our regulations, will be directed by the editorial commission to two specialist reviewers in the knowledge area, and one language expert. The revised copies of manuscripts will be returned to authors for corrections and justifications. The provided new versions by authors will be confronted and compared to the original manuscripts. If accepted in this stage, articles will be considered for publication in journal. After copyediting, a proof from authors will be demanded by editorial board. Measures have been taken to ensure authors that preliminary decisions will be made on their works in less than two months. Authors are advised to adhere strictly to the time tables that will be given to them by this journal during the process of revision.
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Publish By  Research Institute for Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases (RIGLD)